Andrew Cuomo’s Odds to Be Impeached Surge Following State Attorney General’s Investigation

August 3, 2021

Andrew Cuomo’s odds to be impeached have strengthened significantly since the conclusion of the state attorney general’s investigation was announced, according to betting industry analysts at (See Disclaimer Below). Yesterday, the New York Governor had 49/1 odds to be impeached by September 1st (2% implied probability). Those odds have since shifted to 317/100 (25%).

“There has been a palpable shift in the odds toward Cuomo not being in office by September or the end of the year after the details of the investigation came out,” says US Sportsbonus gambling industry analyst Jay Sanin. “While the odds are suggesting it’s increasingly likely that he doesn’t last in office for long, it seems like impeachment is more likely than resignation in the bookies’ eyes.”

The odds of Cuomo resigning by September 1 have improved from 49/1 (2% implied probability) to 307/50 (14%) since yesterday. He still holds 69/100 odds of being in office at the end of 2021 (59%), but this is a noticeably shift from 3/25 (89%) since yesterday.

“With the 2022 election on the horizon, Cuomo’s odds of being the Democratic nominee have also taken quite the hit,” says USSportsbonus gambling industry analyst Jay Sanin. “Letitia James, the AG whose report came out today, saw a slight bump in her odds to win the democratic nomination for the 2022 gubernatorial election, where she’s now the favorite.”

James’ odds to be the Democratic nominee in the 2022 New York Gubernatorial Election have improved from 203/100 (33% implied probability) to 17/10 (37%) since yesterday. Cuomo’s odds have worsened from 36/25 (41%) to 67/20 (23%) in this time.

Will Andrew Cuomo Be Impeached By Sept. 1?
Today: 317/100 (+317) 
Yesterday: 49/1 (+4900) 
90 days ago: 669/100 (+669)

Will Andrew Cuomo Resign Before Sept. 1?
Today: 307/50 (+614) 
Yesterday: 49/1 (+4900) 
90 days ago: 1329/100 (+1329)

Will Andrew Cuomo be in office by the end of 2021?
Today: 69/100 (-144) 
Yesterday: 3/25 (-809) 
90 Days Ago: 7/20 (-285)

Who will get 2022 Dem nomination for gubernatorial race?
Letitia James 
Today: 17/10 (+170) 
Yesterday: 203/100 (+203) 
90 Days Ago: 233/100 (+233)

Andrew Cuomo 
Today: 67/20 (+335) 
Yesterday: 36/25 (+144) 
90 Days Ago: 36/25 (+144)

Jumaane Williams 
Today: 1011/100 (+1011) 
Yesterday: 23/1 (+1150) 
90 Days Ago: 49/1 (+4900)

Kathy Hochul 
Today: 23/1 (+1150) 
Yesterday:1567/100 (+1567) 
90 Days Ago: 19/1 (+1900)

Alessandra Biaggi
Today: 1567/100 (+1567) 
Yesterday: 19/1 (+1900) 
90 Days Ago: 3233/100 (+3233)

Kirsten Gillibrand
Today: 19/1 (+1900) 
Yesterday: 49/1 (+4900) 
90 Days Ago: 49/1 (+4900)

Disclaimer: Wagering on the outcomes presented in this article is not currently legalized in the U.S. Odds listed are for illustrative purposes only, and are gathered from overseas operators, where betting on such props is legal and regulated.

Gus Anderson
Gus Anderson is a gambling wizard. As a kid he dreamt about becoming a Tennis, Hockey and Golf professional but ended up as a gambling professional with focus on both sports & casino.